I rolled out of bed bright and early expecting a long detour, but even after stopping to vote and to get coffee, I STILL made it to work earlier than I typically do.
I think that says more about my all-around punctuality than it does about how long it took me to vote, but turnout at my polling place did appear to drop off remarkably from the presidential election two years ago. It was my first time voting in a mid-term (yeah, I know), so I guess I didn't really have a frame of reference. Still, I waited in line for something like an hour - 20-30 minutes of that actually outside in the cold - in '08, whereas this morning there were three whole people ahead of me. Almost two hours into the day, I was the 35th voter at the polling place.
So today I will be proudly displaying my "I Vote/I Count" sticker, on my purse, which sits under my desk most of the day. Maybe tonight I will exercise my newly codified right to purchase alcohol on election day, just because I can. Welcome to the 21st century, Indiana!*
*Now how 'bout we legalize Sunday carry-out sales.
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